Herolds Bay Accommodation

Beach house accommodation in

Herolds Bay


Beach House Accommodation in Herolds Bay

Your next holiday destination awaits

Herolds Bay is in the heart of the magnificent Garden Route, with its natural beauty of sand, sea, sun, rivers, mountains, lakes, caves and forests. The beautiful, picture-perfect and sheltered beach cove has held an allure for holiday makers since time of old.

Sketches and photographs in the George museum tell of ox wagons filled with tents, goods and servants, camping out on the beach itself. Today it is a popular destination for holiday makers and celebrities alike.  This small and picturesque village has managed to keep its exclusive village appeal due to limited development area being available on the beach front.

Our holiday house can cater for a bigger group or a couple for a romantic holiday. The house is fully self catering. The house has been in the family for almost 50 years and we love sharing our holiday memories with others.


Sunset at the Beach

What people say

Ons het dit almal geniet en sal graag weer wil kom! Dit was ‘n heerlike naweek in ‘n lieflike, lekker outydse huis sonder fieterjasies en te veel moderne versierings. So lekker om net in ‘n lekker ou leefhuis te kon kuier wat nie soos ‘n opgesmukte gastehuis voel nie! Dit is ‘n heerlike leefhuis reg op Heroldsbaai se strand. Doen jouself n guns en gaan kuier daar! Al wat ek sou wou verander, is om ‘n vuurherd in die sitkamer in te sit!
— Charlene Jefferies, Kaapstad
Wou ‘n naweek wegbreek saam met my familie. Heroldsbaai was ‘n wonderlike ondervinding en sal dit verseker by enigiemand aanbeveel. Baie dankie aan almal wat ons verblyf ‘n wonderlike ondervinding help maak het.
— Lienkie Fourie, Kirkwood
Perfek geleë! Huis (boonste deel) is perfek geleë vir ‘n strandvakansie, het ‘n lekker kuier-area en is goed toegerus.
— Hennie Groenewald, Suid-Afrika
So naby aan die see - ONGELOOFLIK! Dit was heerlik om so naby aan die strand te kon bly. Met klein kindertjies wat vroeg al op die sand wil speel, was dit ideaal. Ons sal GRAAG weer daar wil gaan uitspan.
— Ina Spies, Bloemfontein


Oupa se Pitte

What's in a name

This very special, renovated beach house (aptly named Oupa se Pitte) has been in our family for over 40 years - thanks Grandpa Loots for the investment that you made so many years ago! It is ideally situated on the beach front, with only the beach between you, the sea and the rocks.